Palm Beach Atlantic:
Orlando University
PBA is committed to loving and respecting all people, as well as celebrating the divine tapestry of our diverse ethnic, racial, cultural, socio‐economic, and national backgrounds, because Christ‐exalting diversity celebrates the fact that we are all fearfully and wonderfully made in His image (Psalm 139:14; Acts 17:26). We strive to emulate the model of God’s throne room in which human beings from every ethnicity, language, and nation gather before their Creator (Matthew 28:19‐20; Revelation 7:9‐10). Therefore, no form of racism, racial supremacy, ableism, or ethnic bigotry will be tolerated at Palm Beach Atlantic University. We strive to create a Christian climate on campus in which all are respected, all are equal, and all are valued as we love God and others (James 2:1‐5; Matthew 22: 37-40; Romans 15:5-7). We are committed to eliminating barriers so that people of different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives flourish.
Any PBA community member who becomes aware of activities, comments, or behavior inconsistent with this Diversity Statement, is encouraged to report the incident immediately to the appropriate office (for students: Student Accountability, Residence Life or Campus Safety; for faculty/staff: respective Dean of School or Human Resources) for investigation. The University also desires to provide support to anyone who may have experienced such a violation. Such individuals are encouraged to seek out opportunities for confidential discussion and help through the Counseling and Wellness Center/University Counseling Center or the Campus Pastor.